Saturday, May 8, 2021


SSMS Tips and Tricks - Part 5

You tube Answer:

-- We may run SQL queries / scripts in different Environment 

-- 1. When we are connected to multiple server, we do not know which env we are connected
    --Always the bottom right corner of SSMS to check the server name

-- 2. The same happens when we open a sql script from an email, or a folder

-- This is because SSMS allows us to change connection with in the query window

-- Steps to Avoid such incidents:

-- Customize Status bar with color for each environment

Select Options --> Choose Custom Color --> Select the color --> Ok --> restart SSMS

You are done. Next time when you open SSMS you will get the Status color with the color you have chosen for that server.

If you have learnt anything new, please do subscribe to my channel. Stay Tuned :)

1 comment:

  1. You have written an excellent blog. I learned something new from your Content. Keep sharing this kind of informative blog.
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